Spark Studios

How to find and harness your child's creative outlet!

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Spark Studios

 An immersive   creative program that allows students to express their thoughts and feelings through filmmaking

Professional Mentors that help foster creativity and guide students through the process.

Make friends and creative partnerships with other students

Positive Impact

"Increases in arts learning positively and significantly affect students’ school engagement, college aspirations, and their inclinations to draw upon works of art as a means for empathizing with others."

person holding white and gray stone

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash.

"Creative activities help kids with managing kids develop social kids with their physical development... help your child’s intellectual and cognitive development... help your child’s wellbeing." - The Creation Station

five children smiling while doing peace hand sign

Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash.

About our Founder

Tegan Ware is a filmmaker and entrepreneur who is passionate about storytelling and helping people.

She has written and directed many award winning short films and TVCs 

She has worked with children as a teacher, mentor and director. 


Q: What does the program entail?

A: The program is made up of 3 months of weekly after school sessions, each one focusing on a different aspect of filmmaking by one of our industry mentors. By the end of the program the students will undergo making their own short film which will be screened at a screening night. They will receive a certificate and the opportunity to join our higher level programs.

Q: What if my child doesn't like the program?

A: Students can leave the program at any time. Payment is made at each session so there is no locked in commitment

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